Mardi Gras 5k Fun Run & Walk

Niceville, FL

Christ Our Redeemer Church presents its second annual Mardi Gras 5k Fun Run & Walk.  Join us on February 14, 2026 for a 5k & children's fun run. We will have lively music, food trucks, and a 50/50 raffle.  Fun games provided by Cub Scouts pack 553. Mardi Gras inspired costumes are encouraged!  The course is flat and fast with views of the bay and strollers are welcome.

  The 5k begins at 9:00 a.m. with children's fun race following at 10:00 a.m. 

Mardi Gras inspired Costumes are encouraged!
Early registration for $30 by January 18th guarantees you a t-shirt. 
 Late registration for $35 (no shirt guaranteed).
Day of registration by 8:00 am for $35 (no shirt guaranteed).

Kids fun run is $10.
Packet pick up Friday, February 13, 4:00-6:00 pm at Christ Our Redeemer

Proceeds benefit the Christ Our Redeemer Building Community fund.  Christ Our Redeemer continually strives to expand our programs and offerings to the Niceville community. Lack of appropriate space significantly stifles parish ministries and is the single greatest impediment to developing new programs. Construction for a new building that will include administrative space, meeting rooms, and a large hall for hosting parish and community events has begun. Starting in the spring of 2025, we are renovating our current parish hall to transform it into a dedicated space for religious education. 


Sponsorship levels are available until Feb 1st 2026.  We are also accepting gift cards for raffle.  Contact Rebecca at for more information.

Here is the route for the run. 



When & Where

Feb 14, 2026


9:00 AM

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Event Schedule

Niceville, FL


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